Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Friday, July 28, 2006


Well, after all this time, I finally feel like I've gotten caught up on all sleep, laundry and paperwork!
Then, I looked up all the sudden, and I realized that summer is almost over. What happened to it? I guess I got busy with work.
So, today, it's a top 10 list of things still to do this summer.

1. go to the drive in movies
2. camp again
3. raft more
4. skinny dip more
5. eat ice cream till I can't move
6. drink more beer on the patio
7. make out down by the creek
8. sun bathe and nap with a cool drink
9.lay out by a pool with friends and laugh
10. watch the stars

I'm off to catch the good moments I might have missed

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I'm sorry for being MIA these days. It's summer, and that means busy radio promotions. Right now, we've stuck 8 suckers in a Dodge Ram. Well, 22 says ago there was 8. Now there's 4. We're here till the last one is left. That person wins the truck. See pictures at Like I was saying before one of the rules of the game is that anything that goes in the truck, stays in the truck. All food containers, all trash, everything. We've named the sweaty-bodies-moldy-food-kinda-smells-like-an-old-person-and-bad-cheese smell Carols, cause he's just always around. Imagine the flies, heat and gripy people, and you can image why I've just been hiding in my air conditioned room, with all the blinds closed.
No, not really. I did score a couple of days off recently, though I'm not sure quiet how that worked out. In my time off, I squeezed in a camping trip and some rafting time. I love camping around here in Missouri. Growing up in Texas, it was too damn hot in the summer to do much, but here in the Ozark Mountains, it's not bad. It's beautiful scenery, the rivers and creeks are always cold, since they're spring fed, and waking up in the mountains with the fog and the greenery, yeah, it's good stuff. Anyway, if you can look past the hillbilly aspect, there's some great places to throw a tent up and rent a raft. Being a rafting virgin, I wasn't sure what to expect, but figured that the heck. Gerdie was obviously there with me, and as you can see, she had a blast! So did I for that matter!! In fact, I'm looking to take up a new hobby. I've been shopping around for some rafts I like, looking for some good spots to throw the raft in the water, and maybe some camping spots that I could trust if I were camping by myself. That's the thing, camping is what I do to get away from the craziness of work. Even if I only have one day off, I don't mind packing the jeep, and taking off. I take some serious flack for going by myself. My mom, who isn't a fan of mine in general, and my grandmother both just have a fit when I go way for a day. Not because I'm going away, but because I'm going by myself. Now that I want to take a raft out too, oh hell. I get the whole speech about how dangerous it can be to be a woman out alone. I'm how old? 12. I know this. I'm aware we don't live in a perfect world, but damn. Of course, my grandmother's solution was to find a man who likes to camp too, but I don't think the punishment fits the crime. I have to have a boyfriend to go camping? Can't I just get a bigger dog? But then I consider some late nite tent nooky, and I'm considering.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

the joy of summer

a whole month later, it's half way through summer, and I'm back on location. This time it's lasted most of June, and we're into July with it. Basically the run down is putting 8 people in a Dodge truck, the last one to be left in the truck wins it. We're down to 4 contestants, 18 days in, and no end in sight. So every day, we drive to the car dealership, torture the 4 people left, and pray they go home soon. Between the smell, the flies and the trash (whatever goes in the truck, stays in the truck) it's about all I can take. It's a short entry because I'm a bit frazzled, and feel like I stink like the truck. I'm going to take another shower....please let them leave soon.