Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


It's here again, just when I think that winter will never end, and that frost at Easter made it feel like it. But the grass needs mowing all the time, the allergies are alive and well, yes, Spring has indeed sprung. With that, comes less time at the computer, and more time in the sunshine. Between work, which is great, and making some new friends, keeping up with some old ones, and making float trip plans, the glass remains half full.
Good news on the home front! My stepdad has been needing a new kidney for a couple of years now, and if you have been through that, or know someone who has, it can be agonizing! But a donor has been found, and we should know a date on the big day soon. After that, my mom and stepdad are planning on closer to me, as in coming back to Texas. That makes me happy for more than one reason. They will be closer to visit, I can keep an eye on my step dad a little more, have his expert auto advise handy when attempting things like replacing shocks on my Jeep, and for my parents, this is an opportunity for a new life. Since losing my little brother, this is the first time they are consciencely making the effort to move on.
I feel the need for a walk this morning, so I'm grabbing Gertie, and off we go!

Monday, April 16, 2007

my flower

between the hail, and the snow from last week, there are few, if any, wildflowers left to cheer the drivers these days. Cheer is exactly what we could use as I watch the news this evening, and am served another reminder that life is fleeting, and so precious. It came as such a vivid reminder, that I just wanted to stick around the house tonight, cooking dinner, listening to some music, and tossing the ball for Gertie. I am overwhelmingly grateful tonight for the life that I have, that I didn't lose someone I love today, that I have hope for tomorrow.

I wish I could put that feeling into some sort of visual representation. I would put it along every highway, street, roadways, so that someone in traffic, or on their way to work could see it, and feel that same.