Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I could have cried over tv again because I was so damn bored with the Oscars. I cooked while it was blabbing on the television, so at least I had a good meal when it was done.
In my boredom, I completed the following list...yay

This is not the lesst bit original, it came across myspace, and since I LOOOOVVVVEEE lists (all the important information, not worries with stuff like puncuation and properly placed capital letters) I figured I'd re post it here. So if you've been checking the "my other page link" on the right, sorry for the re run.

10 Random Things About ME
1. I like my dog better than I like most people I know
2. I can't whistle
3. I would still drive my jeep if I were stinkin' rich
4. I'm six feet tall without my high heels on
5. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday, followed closely by St. Pat's Day
6. I eat cake icing right out of the can
7. I'm a news junkie
8. I was an Opera major in college
9. I'm thinking of changing careers
10. I'm nervous about #9

9 Things I've Have Done In The Past 24 Hours
1. Ran 2 miles
2. listened to my IPOD
3. spent too much time on the internet
4. listened to the train go by
5. washed sheets
6. kissed my dog (on the top of her head)
7. cooked red beans and rice
8. took a nap
9. drank beer by candle light (there was no power in the bar)

8 Favorite Singers/Bands/Artists (no particular order)
1. Asleep at the Wheel
2. Eva Cassidy
3. Jack Ingram
4. Corrine Bailey Rae
5. Lily Allen
6. Willie and Lobo
7. Rat Pack
8. Nina Simone

7 Things On the "To DO" list
1. Wash dishes
2. Nap
3. check email , again
4. buy dog food
5. take out the trash
6. re do my workout play list on ipod
7. be patient while waiting to hear on the job (or find a sugar daddy)

6 Things to do when bored
1. To Do LIST!
2. Nap
3. play ball with the dog
4. go for a walk
5. cook
6. AIM/Chat

5 Favorite Movies
1. Happy Texas
2. Bridges of Madison County
3. Three Amigos
4. Open Range
5. ( I"M sure there another one, I just can't think..)

4 Favorite Books
1. Border Music, BY Robert James Waller
2. Bad Girls' Guide to the Open Road, By Cameron Tuttle
3. Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love
4. Readings and Recitations for Winter Evenings (copyright 1895)

3 Favorite Foods
1. Peanut Butter
2. Pasta
3. Ica Cream

2 Things I am wearing
1. Yoga pants
2. t shirt

1 Favorite Person
1. right now? The Person I am becoming

Thursday, February 22, 2007

get a tissue

what is it about the word tissue that I love?
Anyway, another tear soaked evening with Grey's Anatomy. It's very dramatic these days, but I'm still lovin' every minute of it. Can't wait till the third season comes out on DVD, then I'll watch every episode with a box of TISSUE, and love it all over again.
Oh, and good news. My feelings of complete worthlessness are almost over. Something about not being able to find a job I felt good about was really putting me in a funk! Then add some family members that are mad at me for moving away from them, some family members that are mad that I left those family members, and a birthday on the way (YIKES) that I will likely spend alone just around the corner, and yeah, FEELING LIKE A PILE OF COW POOP!
buuuuuttt.....I know Gertie will spend my birthday with me, my family can be mad if that's what they want, and I might have THE job. I interviewed today. I did it all right, from the handshake to the perfectly timed joke, I'm feeling some serious excitement in my toes over this one. And like I said, it doesn't hurt the ego to feel useful again.
Keep you posted on the job, don't want to jinx it!
On the issue of my birthday, I'm ok with that one too. Just the fact that my birthdays aren't about dancing on tables and everyone passing out in a hotel room bring me to tears with thankfulness that I'm getting older. I find myself wanting a little less whiskey and a little more vodka and cranberry these days.

I should not post about getting older when I've pathetically cried over prime time television. I'm going to remain pathetic for a little while longer...bubble bath or something...

Monday, February 19, 2007


noth·ing (nthng) PRONOUN:
No thing; not anything:
No part; no portion:
One of no consequence, significance, or interest:
Something that has no existence.
Something that has no quantitative value; zero: a score of two to nothing.
Also known as: WHAT I'm DOING THESE DAYS

no seriously, I'm not doing crap. ok, well, maybe crap, but not much more. Getting lost on the freeway a couple of times, and taking a little job that at least keep the cash flow coming, but that's it. Nothing significant. Took the dog for a park day, washed my sheets, had a bite to eat. I haven't watched CNN or Headline News in 3 days. I have no idea what's going on in the world, or when they're going to announce that I'm the father of Anna Nichole's baby.

I'd like to blog about something witty and funny and interesting to someone....but we've got a NO GO.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Season of LOVE ( and pink socks)


Well, I guess happy V-day all. ...Even if you did break down and buy the socks that sing" you are my sunshine", which I am proud to say I did not. If someone hasn't sent you flowers by noon [tomorrow], rush right out, and purchase your favorites for your desk, or for your dinner table. No need to deny yourself because someone in your life wasn't thoughtful of the significance of blooms. GOod news that on the day after Valentines, all the great candy will be on sale, and that's just the little present that makes me thankful for the retail holiday we find ourselves in.Enjoy the day of love, or be thankful it's over soon, and that it's the one day you can wear pink and red together, and not be quiet so fashionally incorrect!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Welcome Home

It's taken about a week to get somewhat organizged and feel like I'm not living in a complete whirlwind. But here I am, home after all the time of being away, seeing family, old friends, remembering some of the shortcuts of getting downtown on a Friday night, and finding all the familiar things that I love were always right here.
The one things I hate about moving to a different place, is losing the history with people. In a new place, there is no one to laugh at the re-telling of stories, the dumb inside jokes, and that time you sang "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" at kereoke. The thing about coming home, is that those memories and jokes live on, and the people that you love and know are always willing to laugh with you.
Why would I wait so long to come home, you ask? It's just never really worked out with the timing, the job and the family all at the same time. The same is true now, the timing is there, family is supportive of the move and change, but the job is still up in the air. I just decided that if I was ever going to get home, get back to what I love, that I would take the chance, and see how things worked out. Risky, but worth it to me. So right now I'm pretty uncertain of alot of things, but also optimistic about things as well. I've got my dog, my jeep, and the certainty that I've made the right move, finally.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

what a great way to start

WTF? I've have been in Texas just over 48 hours, and I have this thing in my head. Like a cold kind of thing. Maybe it's allergies, or sinus infection, or something that is pissing my off. I like to think that after leaving the frozen tundra of Missouri on Sunday, and traveling to the sunny, warm lands of Texas, my poor nose had a shock attack. What does this mean for me? Stuffy nose, SCREAMING headache, wads of tissue on the night stand, too much internet surfing, and complete restlessness. I just got here, there's so much for me to do!! And no one to bring me soup!!! Advantages to the situation? A warm puppy that LOVES all the nap time(obviously she's not sneezing every 2 seconds), excuse not to be unpacking, and music by Lily Allen. I'm dragging my ass to the hot shower in hopes that I can find relief, and get rest.
all I really want is Taco flavored Doritos, dipped in cream cheese and jar of pickled jalepenos. No, not the cravings of pregnant woman, but one of the things I've cut out of my diet in hopes that I won't scare small children while in a bathing suit this summer. Does dieting count when you're sick?

Monday, February 05, 2007


Just got moved, more when I'm not so unorganized!!!