Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I could have cried over tv again because I was so damn bored with the Oscars. I cooked while it was blabbing on the television, so at least I had a good meal when it was done.
In my boredom, I completed the following list...yay

This is not the lesst bit original, it came across myspace, and since I LOOOOVVVVEEE lists (all the important information, not worries with stuff like puncuation and properly placed capital letters) I figured I'd re post it here. So if you've been checking the "my other page link" on the right, sorry for the re run.

10 Random Things About ME
1. I like my dog better than I like most people I know
2. I can't whistle
3. I would still drive my jeep if I were stinkin' rich
4. I'm six feet tall without my high heels on
5. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday, followed closely by St. Pat's Day
6. I eat cake icing right out of the can
7. I'm a news junkie
8. I was an Opera major in college
9. I'm thinking of changing careers
10. I'm nervous about #9

9 Things I've Have Done In The Past 24 Hours
1. Ran 2 miles
2. listened to my IPOD
3. spent too much time on the internet
4. listened to the train go by
5. washed sheets
6. kissed my dog (on the top of her head)
7. cooked red beans and rice
8. took a nap
9. drank beer by candle light (there was no power in the bar)

8 Favorite Singers/Bands/Artists (no particular order)
1. Asleep at the Wheel
2. Eva Cassidy
3. Jack Ingram
4. Corrine Bailey Rae
5. Lily Allen
6. Willie and Lobo
7. Rat Pack
8. Nina Simone

7 Things On the "To DO" list
1. Wash dishes
2. Nap
3. check email , again
4. buy dog food
5. take out the trash
6. re do my workout play list on ipod
7. be patient while waiting to hear on the job (or find a sugar daddy)

6 Things to do when bored
1. To Do LIST!
2. Nap
3. play ball with the dog
4. go for a walk
5. cook
6. AIM/Chat

5 Favorite Movies
1. Happy Texas
2. Bridges of Madison County
3. Three Amigos
4. Open Range
5. ( I"M sure there another one, I just can't think..)

4 Favorite Books
1. Border Music, BY Robert James Waller
2. Bad Girls' Guide to the Open Road, By Cameron Tuttle
3. Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love
4. Readings and Recitations for Winter Evenings (copyright 1895)

3 Favorite Foods
1. Peanut Butter
2. Pasta
3. Ica Cream

2 Things I am wearing
1. Yoga pants
2. t shirt

1 Favorite Person
1. right now? The Person I am becoming


  • At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't be afraid of chaning careers. Hardly anyone can (or wants to) do the same job forever anymore.

    Hey, St. Patty's Day is around the corner. I probably won't be drinking green beer, though, because I'm running a 5K in the morning and going to a wedding in the evening (that may or may not have tinted ale).

    Chin up, girl. Like you need me to say that.


  • At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hadn't visited your myspace page before just now, but it says you live in Keller (where I seem to spend way to much time working).

    If you're ever free, let's have lunch if you want. There are actually good places to eat around here now.


  • At 8:15 PM, Blogger Christa said…

    Keller used to be the snotty neighborhood! It's grown alot!
    2 things
    1) love to do lunch sometime
    2) how far is 5k?

  • At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A 5K is slightly more than 3 miles. The run and the wedding, however, is 300 miles away in Tulsa. :-)

    We should have lunch. I've been blogging for nearly 4 years and only met two other bloggers in person. What a sad record!


  • At 8:26 AM, Blogger Joe CuttheShit said…

    I love your list. Especially who your favorite person is. That was awesome.

    I had red beans and rice in the last 24 hours too! Go figure!

    Also, I love your country/opera/all around fantastic voice. :)

  • At 9:08 AM, Blogger Christa said…

    oh hey, there's a gig open in March sometime, and it is suppose to be broadcast on the internet..I'll let you know!


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