Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Friday, May 19, 2006

working weekend

Total hours of sleep this week....approx 7 hours. Corporate martinis charged to the card...about 15. The amount of networking and sucking up I've accomplished...endless.

Now, here I am on a Friday night. Usually, I would have a remote about now at the local country bar, we are in country radio after all. It's the higlight of my week, to flirt, dance, drink and talk on the radio now and then. Oh, and get paid. But not this week. My bar remotes were on Tue, Wed, and Thur night this week. For the weekend, my radio partner and I have been sent to a town about 2 hours away to direct broadcast from a theme park. Sounds kinda boring, and it can be, but, the great part is the pay off. They pay our gas down, they pay us to be here, and you can see the view from the back deck included. Throw in the jet tub, the wireless internet, and my pjs at 7:00 on a Friday night, and I'm about as happy as I can be. If I could find a nice run punch, I might never leave!!! I did bring my granparents along, because it's a 2 bedroom cabin, and it would be depressing all by myself. Besides, I like the share the wealth. Gerdie is here, and feeling about the same way I am, just napping and enjoying the down time.
I've got lots to do tonight. I've finally joined the cool kids. I'm working on I'm working blindly, but working none the less. There's alot of info to fill in, try and sound interesting about. My brain is so relaxed and sleepy, it's hard to think. I'll let you know when it's cool enough to look at. Right now there are Sex in the City reruns to enjoy.

Monday, May 08, 2006

helping mom work

trying to get work done, and I've worn her out! heehee

A little history, with a good memory

Here's the thing about moving back to a place you've 'been before...People remember you, even if you don't remember them. I spent a couple if years in the town I'm currently in about the junior year of my highs school days. I had just moved from Texas, and since no place is as good as Texas, I wasn't really that crazy about it. I was a home school kid, and tested for my GED when I was 16. Sweet. When I moved to Missouri, I was gearing up for college, and found out that socially, I had to be compatible to my age group, couldn't attend college till I was 18. (insert sound effect of screeching tires) So my social project was to attend a public high school. Most home school kids would have shuddered at the thought, but I was pumped. I'm trying to keep the story from being too long, and trying not to be the girl that shares too much, so lets just say high school for me was one big party. Imagine being in high school, but never actually having to attend a class, or do homework. I realized the beauty of this at an early point in the game. You want social, I'll give you social!!!!
So fast forward about 10 years. I'm back in town. My grandparents live here, so I'm back every few years, till I get bored, and then leave again. 4 years ago, I was on one of those trips, and I was here. I was, in fact, working for the same company I am now. My brother was killed here, and I left, swearing that I would never be back, that the memories were too much, and I didn't want to see them everyday. Today, I'm here again. My grandparents won't be around forever, and they need some help with things. The town has changed enough, I can almost like it. The best part, the place that my brother was killed has been torn down, and replaced with great business for this town. I feel like its his was of making it a little better to be here. I work for the company I did before, so it's like family, only a little better this time around. OK, so finally to the damn point. I'm working this weekend, at a radio event. People walk up to me, and just start talking. I know I should know them, but it's just not there. Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you since high school ...blah blah blah. The whole time my brain is going searching files, but can not find the server. I'm gracious, "hey, how ya been, still living in the same place?" crap like that. It sounds good coming out of my mouth, but I wonder if they know I have no idea. Luckily, we're in a bar environment, so I don't think that they do. After about half a dozen people, I'm feeling a lot like a victim of a Sci FI weekend. If I did have a missing file, I just blamed on drinking too much in my time in Key West. After thinking about it too much over the next day or so, I finally figured it out. In the time I was gone from here, I buried more immediate family. I think that in those times, it's amazing how your brain can work to protect itself. I honestly think some of those memories from years with my brother, and even after that when I was dealing with another close death, I think my brain knew to hide some of those memories, that they were hurtful, and that I didn't need them at the time. It's not like a drunken night you recall a few days later when someone brings it up. It's like I'm certain I should know something about this person, like there's a history, but try as I might, I can't find it in there. I never realized this had happened until I've had to face some of the ghost that live in this town. Somehow, their memories are better than mine.
Disclaimer : I'm not crazy, though it sounds a lot like it.

Monday, May 01, 2006


a free moment of time. sigh. Actually, it's been alot of feeling cruddy time this week, but more on that later. It's raining here for the first time in months, and it's really nice to just be hanging out, enjoying the sound of the rain these last couple of days. All the trees are looking so great, and all the work in the yard and the garden is beginning to show some signs of improvement. Gerdie is just not crazy about the rain, however. I have to stand out in the drizzle in hopes that her bodily functions can occur. Enough about that, though.
It's been a while since I've talked about my crazy diet. Somewhere along the lines, it became not so crazy. Low carb eating was such an adjustment for me, it did take a while. But, since it was a personal sponsor through the job, I felt obligated to at least try it. I'm so thankful I did, even if I dream of tortillas. I'm 35 lbs lighter today than I was 90 days ago. That's a lot. I'm pretty happy about it. On the program, as part of my I-get-it-free-because-of-my-job, after the weight loss, then there's this little procedure called mesotherapy. I was sold on it when she said "it's chemical lipo, honey, you'll love it". Images of very small bikinis were dancing in my head, and I was distracted from the "chemical" part. Even when I was being slathered in numbing cream, and being iced down from the waist down, I still kept thinking "this is great". Only an hour later, when I'm red, swolen, and have been injected about 100 in each leg did it begin to sink in that, "this is maybe not so great" That was on Tuesday. For 2 days I laid around iced down, begging the puppy not to jump on the bed with me. As I'm leaning in the shower on Tuesday night, trying not pass out from all the drugs and the sight of my legs becoming bruised and welped, I was crying, swearing that I would just be unsightly in shorts or a bathing suit. Here it is, Monday morning, the pai is gone, the naususness is gone, and the bruises are fading quickly. My next appointment is tomorrow. I'm still trying to decide whether I'm going for another round. Did I mention that my legs are smooth, and looking very toned, even with the hint of brusing?
Being a girl is ridiculous, by the way.
I realize that it's vain, and even crazy to think this is a good idea. I'm not that girl. I'm the all natural, kinda hippie, lets do an herbal cleans twice a year, kinda girl. I just realized what a monster my vanity can be, and I'm surprised at myself....
but myself in a thinner body has a nice ring.