Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

When the sun starts to warm the dirt again, and I feel like my feet are finally starting to thaw, thats when I feel like I am back to life. " Just make it through the winter..spring isn't far away". Maybe it's the only way to make it through when things look like they might not work...just hang in there. I like to think I'm coming into the spring of my life as well. It's been a rough winter, emotionally, financially, and mentally. But, I can see the grass beginning to grow through the snow, and yes, there has been enough snow in Texas this year to understand that comparison.

So, Winter, you no longer scare me. I know that the warm weather is so close. I know that soon the trees will be green. I can almost feel the sunshine on my skin.