Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

so cliche

T minus 4 days till the move.

I'm sitting in the local starbucks (thus the title of this post) loving the smell of caffine in the air ( I swear it soaks into my pores just sitting here) and pink coffee cups everywhere. Actually, I'm meeting some friends soon for a last cup of coffee and some laughs before my new location. On the side of my signature Starbucks cup is a quote by Dr Laura. Before I nearly vomited at the mere mention of her name, I read what it said.
" Many people search blindly for the 'meaning of life'. What they don't understand is that life does not have meaning through mere existence or aquisition or fun. The meaning of life is inherent in the connection we make with others through honor and obligation."

GAG ME. They pay you to talk on 250 radio stations? Let's pretend that you're actually talking to someone, or better yet that they might be listening. Nevermind, it made me think about my own meaning in life. I can agree with the part about connecting to others and stuff. If I was going to be quoted on a starbucks coffee cup, what would it say?

"The Way I See It #315
The meaning of life is not just one thing that I aspire to find. I strive to learn that the journey is sometimes as great as the destination, that people we meet along the way make the trip worth while, and if we're lucky enough to know love, even if it doesn't last, we have reached great things."

Chesa Rhoades,

world renown radio dj and motivational speaker

and as an added bonus, Dear Dr Laura, it can be about the fun sometimes too!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

hot chocolate and electric blankets

I'm trying hard to remember what summer is like today. I realize that it's winter, but we don't see much snow here in Missouri. Not so the case these days. It's been a cold and icy, and cold some more, and lots of people without power and it's really cold. Gertie is having a blast with her first frozen go-round. I get a big kick watching her back feet slide one way and her front feet slide the other way. What kind of mean human am I that I laugh at my dog having a hard time just to take a pee? One that has been locked in the house for a while. You can not walk out of my house without falling on your butt! Ah, this is where the hot cocoa and blankets come in handy. But being laszy only lasts for a while. Crappy weather has served as a good time to get packed for a move, so there's a silver lining under the ice and snow :)
Glad to be going home to Texas soon. I know it's a little cold there too, but the 100 degree summers will make up for it!


Friday, January 19, 2007

scouts honor

Did anyone else resolve to blog more? Let's hope I stick with that one more than going to the gym, traveling more, and only buying shoes that are comfortable.....we'll see