Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Monday, August 21, 2006

birthday fun

no, not my birthday, but someone else. 2 birthdays this weekend, and both included extremem drunkeness. What qualifies a person to act like an ass on their birthday? Is there some unwritten code for your birthday? Get drunk, dance on the bar, then end the evening by crying at the bar, trying for birthday sex, but pass out that it? Then I wonder, did I act like that on my birthday? No, thankfully. I went to dinner, had a cocktail and went home. Whew...Maybe I'm getting too old for all that crap, or just too smart.....probably too old. If it's your birthday, don't act a fool!


  • At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've got a birthday coming up, but I'm too old to get drunk, don't like bars anymore, try not to act like an ass very often ... and the birthday sex? It's probably all the wife will get me this year, and that is waaaaaaay OK.

    – T-bone


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