Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Home Sweet Airconditioned Home

ahh, turn that thermastat down to about 65, it's good to be back in my bed, with my shower, and my AC! I never considered myself a priss, but I might be changing my mind. I lounged in my bathtub last night, mostly because I KNEW it was clean, I don't care for motel baths. Who has been in it? I washed every article of clothing I had taken with me, just because it smelled like the crappy motel we stayed in. Did I mention that the hotel wasn't that great? I have to appreciate it some, it was a dry, cooler place to sleep. Most of the festival goers were camping in the dust and the ticks, so we had it pretty good. This is me seeing the glass half full, even if it's murkey water that's in the glass.
Today, I've propped my feet on the desk, knowing I have 1000 things to get caught up on from being gone for 5 days. At least it's happy feet that do the proppin'


  • At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I always wonder how well motel rooms (esp. tubs and toilets) are cleaned. *big shiver* I could actually tell you story about motel rooms I heard from someone else, but I'll pass this time.

    Happy feet, indeed. When did the shoe people start making high-heeled slippers?

    – T-bone

  • At 4:56 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    You have pretty feet.


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