Fork in the Road

...because there's more than one route to the next point on the map.

Friday, January 27, 2006

pass the tissue, please

second week of work, and what follies should befall me? I get sick. Not like a cold, sick. I'm talking eyes-may-pop-out-of-my-head-migraine, don't-let-me-smell-any-food-or-I-might-vomit-on-you, feel-like-I'm-hungover-dizzy, can't-move-my-ass-weak. Lucky for me, most of the office is this sick. There's been alot of pre-recording shows this week, and trying to avoid the pollutants (sick ones) in the hall. I could actually stand the shower this morning, instead of leaning against the wall. Things are looking up. It's inevidable that we would all be sick. We all use the same studios, the same mics. No matter how much I clean everything with disinfectant, there are still some germs floating around. The minute someone starts sniffling, everyone starts getting Lysol out, making sure everything is sprayed. Doesn't look like it helped this time. At least we can all suffer together.


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